Eligibility for membership:
- Applicant should be Indian Citizen.
- Should have completed 18 years of age.
- Should possess good moral character.
- Should have no criminal record and never been punished by any court of law or tribunal.
- Should be willing to offer selfless service to the Organization and the society.
- Should possess faith in by- laws, aims and policies of the organization.
Membership fee:
- Life Membership:Rs. 1100/- or more payable only once at the joining.
- Patronage membership:Rs. 5100/- or more payable once at the joining.
Members interested to fight the elections for Executive Committee have to pay Nomination Fee seperately as decided from time to time.
Individuals interested to become members of the Organization and fulfilling the conditions of membership, may download membership forms or collect from office, after payment of prescribed Fees and submit duly filled in forms online or in office of the organization. Members will be issued Identity Cards on payment of Rs. 30/- for each card. ID Card fees may also be paid online or offline at the time of initial membership.
For conduct of programmes and implementation of schemes donations are collected, which can be paid online/ through DD or cheque or in cash. It is advised to all concerned that cash payments may be made only in case of exigency and receipts must be obtained for each payment.
Bank Details
Bank Name: State Bank of Hyderabad
A/c Payee: Akhil Bhartiya Maurya Mahasangh
A/c. No.: 62027598859
IFSC Code: SBHY0020511