It is old adage that History repeats again. This principle applies cent percent on our community. With the public slaughter of 10th Emperor of Mauryan dyansty Brihadrath Maurya, a state of terror and atrocities was created by cruel mutineers. The rich and valuable culture propounded by Mauryas was ruined and the glory came to ashes. Once powerful and grand emperors became powerless and helpless. They were compelled to flee from their kingdom, palaces to unknown places, leaving all the wealth and other belongings behind them. They lost their near and dears who were brutally murdered and plundered. Thereafter conspirators captured gradually all the administrative powers in their hands and started implementing forcibly their policies and programmes to maintain supremacy in all fields. With the pace of time Mauryan legacy blurred and later on forgotten by Indian Populace. Dhamma of Lord Budha based on love, kindness, peace and human welfare accepted and practised not only India but large number of foreign countries was buried in the past. Caste based religion full of conditions, traditions, customs, rituals, ceremoines and superistitions was imposed. Right of education, learning and worshipping became prerogative of a particular community and no body dared to trespass this barrier. This social system has been in practice till now with minor changes. The poor has been neglected, under-priviledged and subject of mental, physical and economical exploitation.
The Clear and authentic history of our dynasty begins with Shakya and Koliya clans being the neighbours owning separate states but maintaining cordial and conjugal relationship. Most important chapter starts with the advent of Prince Siddharth S/o King Shuddhodhan and Queen Mahamaya in 623 BC. From his childhood itself he was indifferent to comforts, luxury and worldly pleasures. He liked loneliness and thoughtfulness. Knowing his attitude the King Shuddhodhan married him to beautiful princess Yashodhara at the age of 16 and provided a Royal Palace fully furnished with all amenities of luxurious life, so that Sidhharth may indulge hiself in enjoyment of life. After a span of time Princess Yashodhara gave birth to a Prince named Rahul and Siddharth’s father and mother were happy that his son will now be fully involved in family affairs.
Siddharth did not like a normal life of a common man. As he saw and weak old man not able to walk, a sick man crying with pain and a dead body carried by four men. All this moved his mind and Siddharth became curious to find the truth of life and solution of deliverance from life- cycle. He decided to lead ascetic life leaving his family and material things and one night while his wife and son were asleep, he left the palace without informing anyone in search of knowledge and truth.
He travelled many places fasting and exercising hard pennance to achieve his goal. He travelled through thorny jungles on foot and crossed the rivers without help of any boat or bridge. During his long journey mostly performed in state of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, he found nothing and reached Bodh Gaya, Sat in Samadhi( Meditation) under a Bodhi Briksh (Peepal Tree) without food and water. Some elements tried to break his meditation but Budha was out of sense and came back alive on 18th day. He was Enlightened (Samyak Sambuddh), became Arahat and found answers to all his curiosity and truth of life.
After Enghtenment Budha delivered first sermon to His five childhood friends at Varanasi who became disciples, thereafter he travelled widely to dessiminate his philosophy, knowledge and experiences among common folk. Budha’s teachhing are based on Non-violence, Love, Truth, Compassion, Morality, Tolerance, De-addiction, Social Harmony, Universal Brotherhood, Indiscrimination, Service to Humanity, Upliftment of Human Virtues, Welfare of mankind, Elimination of Human sufferings and so on. He did not believe in any Supernatural Power, Miracles, rituals and offerings in the name of God or Religion. He was a great Scientist, Argumentalist, a Justice, a Social Reformer, a Democrat, supporter wisdon, learning and Opponent of superstitions. He clearly revealed that He is not a God, Angel, a Homely Man but an unique personality as pure as at his birth. Man’s own Actions (Karmas) are responsible for sufferings and good Karmas help for emancipation from Birth , Rebirth and Suffering. The gist of Budhas teachings are given beow:
Four Noble Truths (Arya Satya): (i) Life is full of sufferings (Dukkha) (ii) There are causes of Sufferings (Karan) (iii) There is end of sufferings (Nivaran) (iv) There are Measures to end the sufferings (Upaya).
Eightfold Noble Paths ( Ashtangik Marg): (i) Right Belief (Samyak (Smriti) (ii) Right Intent (Samyak Sankalp) (iii) Right Speech (Samyak Vani) (iv) Right Behaviour (Samyak Vyayam) (v) Right Livelihood (Samyak Ajeevika) (vi) Right Effort (Samyak Karm) (vii) Right Contemplation( Samyak Drishti) (viii) Right Concentration (Samyak Samadhi).
Meaning of Religion: Budha’s religion is to become absolute pure in body and soul, untouched by malices of the world, like a white, blue or pink Lotus blooming in mud and water remains untouched by water. Similarly, though living in this one should be unaffected, unattracted towards material things like an ascetic free from all bondages. This stage can be attained by self practice of the following virtues:
Etiquettes (Sheel): Observance of protocol, Keep away from all evil like violence, theft, debauchery, lie, addiction etc.
Meditation (Samadhi): Control and conentrate the mind and live only in present.
Insight (Pragya): Abondon self or selfishness, My, Mine, attachment, lust, greed and ego etc.
Donation (Dan) Help the poor, needy, sick and spend liberallyfor public welfare.
Foundation of Maurya Empire and Coronation of great warrior Chandragupt Maurya: Chandragupt Maurya was son of an Army Chief Vishal Gupt Maurya belonging to a Royal Family ruling the vast area of Piplivan. His father was killed in a war by his enemies . After tragic death of His father, mother Mathura then pregnant migrated herself to a safer place small village in Magadh Republic, due to security reasons and in due course gave birth to a male child named Chandragupt Maurya in 343 BC and kept herself in isolation without revealing her identity. Chandragupt was brought up in an ordinary family by Gopalak, his close relative. He was courageous, fearless, enthusiastic, just, visionary and good orator. He always played roll of a King in a popular drama Rakilam with marvellous manifestation. Acharya Chanakya was very much influenced by his performance and skill and took him away to an education centre in Taxshila, where he was trained in arms and ammunitions and inspired to fight against Yemens. Acharya Chanakya was also known as Vatsayan, Katilya but his real name was Vishnugupt. The assumption on the basis of bald head having bunch of hairs (Choti) that he was a Brahmin is incorrect but his Gupt title definitely indicates that he belonged to a Vaishya community and believed to be Budhist Monk.
Chandragupt organized his army with immense foresight and stacked a heep of arms and ammunitions and invaded his contemporary Sikandar of Yunan, who was deeply wounded by a poisonous arrow and died in midway while returning to his native country. Seleucus the Governor of Sikandar could not face Chandragupt and compromised by marrying his daughter Helen with the emperor. Then Chandragupt conquered Hindukush Hills and other areas around Taxshila one by one and lastly attacked Magadh strongest state in the vicinity, ended the rule of Nand rulers and ascended the throne of Magadh in 323 BC. He conquered entire Jambu Dweep and established Brihattar Bharat, the largest teritorry in Indian History. The founder of greatest Mauryan Empire became Pratham Chakravarti Samrat Chandragupt Maurya. He was a Shraman (follower of Jainism) therefore having fulfilled all his ambitions, he haned over the throne to his son Bindusar and retired himself from responsibilities.
Bindusar also a brave emperor managed the state of affairs very well and kept intact the teritorries inherited from his father. He ruled for 25 years upto 273 BC.
Here comes the rule of brightest star of Mauryan Dynasty Ashoka The Great, known for his wonderful discipline, foresight, planning, strategy and organizing battle to defeat his enemies. He fought last Kalinga War in his lifetime, the bloodiest war ever known in human history, butching ruthlessly many thousands of armymen. The king of Kalinga was arrested and Army-in-Chief was killed. As no male fighters were available in Kalinga, an Women Army led by Queen Padmavati came in war field. Ashoka was shaken to see the scene, he laid down his arms and was greatly moved with grief and sorrow. He realized the loss of inumerable human lives and destruction of assets and was overcome by gloom and repentance. In the meantime a Budhist Monk named Upgupt came over there and inspired him adopt Budhism and preached to follow the path of non-violence, love and truth and serve the humanity. Ashoka became a Baudh and decided to win people by love instead of arms or use of force.
Subsequently, Ashoka devoted himself whole- heartedly for propagation of Budha’s Teachings not only in India but in many countries of the world. He sent his emmisaries and Monks to all directions of the country to preach the purity of Budhism leading to Love, Respect, Peace and Prosperity. He also sent his son Mahendra and daughter Sangmitra to many parts of the world for spread of Budhism. He was awarded the title of ‘Ashoka The Great’ after renouncement of Violence and Adoption of Budhism. The Great emperor sacrificed his rest of life for arranging comfortable and happy life of countrymen, providing all amenities. Large numbers of Monastries, Pillars, Stupas, Shilalekhs, Budh Vihars and monuments were built up engraving Budha’s teachings in every nook and corner of the country and also in many foreign countries. Ashoka also build up many roads, planted trees on roads, dug wells for water, night shelters, knowledge centres, Schools, Colleges and renowned Universities Taxshila and Nalanda.
The works done by Ashoka The Great made the Maurya History immortal written in Golden Letters and Maurya’s ruling period is called the Golden Period of Indian History. The Four Lions of Ashoka’s Pillar sitting on the top erected at Sarnath, Varanasi was chosen as National Symbol of Indepent India. Ashok Chakra is embodied in the centre of National Flag, Lion a National animal and Peacock was declared as National Bird. This is matter of pride for all of us that such important symbols were adopted by Government of India from Mauryan’s rich History.
Maurya Dyansty ruled India for a period spanning 139 years founded in 323 BC till 184 BC, with Ten Kings at the helm of affairs. We give here Names of Kings and their ruling period:
- Chndragupt Maurya 323 BC to 298 BC.
- Bindusar 298 BC to 273 BC.
- Samrat Ashok Maurya 273 BC to 232 BC.
- Suyas Maurya (Kunal) 232 BC to 224 BC.
- Dasrath Maurya 224 BC to 216 BC.
- Samprati Maurya 216 BC to 207 BC.
- Shaliluk Maurya 207 BC to 206 BC.
- Dev Verma Maurya 206 BC to 198 BC.
- Sapt Dhanva Maurya 198 BC to 191 BC.
- Brihdrath Maurya 191 BC to 184 BC.
With the downfall of Mauryan Dynasty and unbearable tortures by successors the community scattered in different parts of the country and was treated as ‘Vaishya’ dependent on agriculture growing grains, vegetables, flowers, fruits and spices etc. Some of the people were used as labour and slaves. The community was stripped of ownership rights and had to pay a fair share of their earnings to Governors and Gurus. People did hard work for their livelihood but exploited by rulers were hand to mouth. There were not allowed to gain education and barred from entering Gurukuls. With the passage of time they forgot their past glory and lost the confidence to fight for their rights. In such conditions our community had been in dark, unrecognized for centenaries.
During English rule under the Governership of Lord Mackalay doors of learning were opened for all and the system of education was modified by introduction of many subjects useful to the society. Still then education was beyond reach of farmers and villagers because schools and colleges were situated in cities and common man could not afford. After Independence Indian Government brought education specially primary education to rural India and encouraged the populace to admit their wards to Schools and Colleges. Gradually movement of education for all gathered momentum and children from all sections of society started going to Schools. At this point of time our community also awakened to admit the children for studies. First lot of educated few came out of their villages, towns and cities in search of job opportunities in the beginning of eighties and thereafter flow continued and a large number of our community members have been occupying important positions in various branches. These intellectuals had been searching our roots, our ancestors and our ancient history. They have been trying to know causes of our backwardness, lack of self honour, self confidence and the remedial measures to win over these obstacles in progress of our community. The search is complete and we are sure that we are descendents of Enlightened One Lord Budha, Pratham Chakravati Samrat Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka The Great, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule and Mata Savitribai Phule. This has filled our people with immense pride, confidence and enthusiasm. We are preparing to repeat the same History once made by ancestors.
Let us unite and march unanimously step by step to climb the peak.