Since inception Bharat Maurya Sangh in the year 1979 and Akhil Bhartiya Maurya Mahasangh in the year 2007, the Organisation has played a pivotal roll in the awakening and reformation of our largely uneducated and  backward community.  The officials travelled all over the country, organised meetings and formed branches to unite the people, enhance mutual co-operation and work for the upliftment of the masses. Most affected rural India was also on Radar and encouraged to change with pace of time.  With the development in the country new challenges had been arising before the community and Mahasangh had been diversifying it’s activities according to the needs of time.  Some of the most remarkable achievements are enumerated below:

  1. Eradication of Child Marriage and Dowry system:  Before and after Independence Child Marriage has been prevalent in Backwards and lower sections of society and our community has suffered a lot the misgivings of the evil.  This created hinderance in education of children, parental responsibilities in early age, large families, malnutrition and so on.  The organisation motivated people to realise the consequences and now Child Marriage has vanished and dowry has been also reduced to certain extent.
  2. Eradication of superstitions, blind faiths:  The people have been blind believers in the unrealistic and irrational customs and traditions once adopted by forefathers.  They had been believing in bad spirits, imaginery “Dev” and “Devis” and have been exercising exorcism to a sick person instead of medication.  They had been exploited by posers as possessing Divine, Supernatural powers to relieve from all the troubles and make favourable to angry Gods and also bring good fortune.  Performing different Pujas have been common practice spending a sizeable part of their hard earned money.  Mahasangh started a movement to to teach the people use their brains before taking such actions on the advice of others.  They were made to believe no Power can harm them if they are on right path and they are being befooled by so-called blessed by Super Powers.  Gradually, all such faiths and Pujas have been diminishing and now very few are pray to this kind of belief.
  3. Emphasis on education:  Mahasangh has been advocating the unbounded contribution of education in the development of a person and society.  All efforts have been made to inspire the people that all should go to schools and colleges and not a single person should be left illiterate.  Regular meetings had been organised to convey the virtues of education and how an uneducated is like an animal without a tail.  Every year Programmes have been organised for encouragement of  students by issuing Appreciation Certificates, distribution of Books and Copies, Medals and Trophies, cash prize distribution etc.  As a result each and every family has become cautious to impart best education to their wards.  The society has gone long way in higher education and our men are occupying higher positions in various fields.  The future of the community is bright with the new generation marching ahead and ahead.
  4. Propagation of Golden History:  Once forgotten History has been brought to the knowledge of our indifferent community to fill them with Hope, Honour and Self Confidence.  A Number of meetings and programmes have been organised in this connection regularly after intervals.  The Life, Deeds and Teachings of Lord Budha, the world Guru, The Founder of Maurya Dynasty Chandragupt Maurya, Samrat Ashoka Mahan and other Kings of Maurya Dynasty are source of inspiration, therefore They are Commemorated with full honour on the occasion of their Birthdays, Nirvan and on other important events.  The main functions organised by Mahasangh are Budha Jayanti, Chandragupt Jayanti, Ashok Jayanti and Ashok Dhamma Vijay Divas etc. and large number of audiences turn up to pay their respects to forefathers.
  5. Future Planning:  The development of human race never ends.  Efforts are being made to touch New Heights.  Mahasangh feels proud that our community has risen to at par with others and hope that our people will excell in comparison to fellow citizens.  It will our continuous endeavour to launch schemes and programmes as per demand of time to reach the peak.