In the post- Independence Era people learnt gradually the rules of democratic set up, their rights and duties and the facilities like aids, subsidies and scholarships etc. for promotion of education among all extended by Government.  First batch of educated few came out from colleges in the second half of of sixties and beginning of seventies and started moving towards towns and cities in search of Government jobs, business commensurate to their qualifications and skills. they got the opportunity to earn better livelihood and helped financially to their parents, brother, sisters, kids and kins .  As a result rural populace was enthusiastic to send their warden to schools and colleges instead of engaging in traditional family affairs.

With the growing education people started thinking about the cause of their neglect, insult, exploitation and oppression by so called rich and upper castes and the solution to overcome all the above problems. The only answer was to unite, educate, strengthen and make our men ready to face all the challenges coming in the way of their dignity and prosperity.

In a democratic set up electorate is the king/ king maker.  The more unity, more voters in a group find more space in political arena, more powers and respectable positions and with support of legisation and administration poor and deprived will be able to get justice.  This was possible only by formation of an organization to redress the problems through collective efforts.

Initially, the organisation was registered in Delhi in the year 1979 naming BHARAT MAURYA SANGH for activities in Delhi/ NCR.  By and by organisation spread wings to Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarachal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Gujrat, Maharastra, Tamil Nadu etc. and an All India Organisation Naming AKHIL BHARTIYA MAURYA MAHASANGH was registered in 2007 so that it can work any where in India without any hurdle.