The Organisation is purely a Social and Cultural entity, aimed to guide the society in right direction, right act and right behaviour.
- Spread of Peace, Love Co-operation and universal brotherhood.
- To promote education and encourage students for higher, professional and technical education and help the poor and meritorious students.
- To work for Communal Harmony, Unity and Integrity of the nation.
- To eradicate superstitions, prejudices, misconceptions, irrational rituals and ceremonies.
- To work for eradication of Dowry and Child Marriage.
- To work for Prohibition, De-addiction and save the society from consumption of intoxicants.
- To work for Ban on Smoking and Tobacco.
- To work for Child Development and equal status to Women.
- To work for Health Care and encourage people for family planning.
- To teach people importance of Neat and Clean India, Conservation, Plantation and Gardening etc.
- To Spread friendship, compassion and equality.
- To encourage people to take decisions on their own will and understanding and not swayed by the advice of others.
- To communicate Central/ State welfare Schemes to all.
- To explain real, authentic history and principle of Panchsheel.
- To Strengthen the organisation by formation of Units at different levels.
- To organise meetings, Seminars, educational and cultural programmes.
Besides this other activities as required can be undertaken like rescue and relief operation arising out of any natural calamity or otherwise. Committee members may decide activities in any emergent situation.